ESTHER ERLICH – Fahrenheit
Hosted By 19 KAREN
November 9th - December 14th, 2013
Esther’s iconic style is raw, vital and spontaneous, yet also displays the skill and gloss of a well-seasoned artist. It is the brilliant combination of striking, even haunting portrait-like features with the light, grace and somewhat abstract fluidity of her more decorative style that makes her work so inspiring. Be it in the muted haze of a retreating figure, the subtle turn of an outstretched ankle, or the provocative expression of her subject, Erlich brings us face to face with our own reality, but softens the blow with a hint of froth and bubble. Cleverly, the artist manages to hold our attention with the intense stare of her subject, whilst seducing us with the sometimes frivolous but eternal search for beauty.